The most
ordinary, traditional, if you want, classical in the understanding of the
modern consumer, glass is used for glazing windows, stained-glass windows,
balcony doors, greenhouses, making glass partitions, doors, showers, and other
glass structures.
Window Glass |
sheets of window glass are transparent and colorless - no rainbow and dull
spots, indelible deposits are not allowed. Glass may have greenish tones. The
edges of the glass should be even and the corners should be whole.
For ordinary
window glazing, sheets 3-4 mm thick are more often used. For large windows and
stained-glass windows, the thicker glass should be installed - 6-10 mm.
Moreover, the higher the large window is located, the thicker the glass should
be and the smaller the area of its sheet.
Clarified Glass |
But it turns out
that sometimes glasses are "enlightened." The main difference between
this glass and ordinary glass is maximum light transmission and natural color
rendering from objects behind the glass. Glass receives these properties due to
the low content of iron impurities in its composition. The architectural use of
brightened or clarified glass (Optiwhite) allows for greater illumination of
the room. The interior use of this glass is intended to reduce the visibility
of the glass itself and a more vivid perception of objects located behind such
glass. This is used, for example, in the manufacture of shop windows.
For a
home interior, glass shower partitions or shelves made of clarified glass will
make the interior airier. The optical quality of the glass is especially
emphasized if it is coated with pastel or white enamel, sandblasted or UV
Thursday, October 10, 2019
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